DataBroker DAO is the first marketplace to sell & buy sensor data

Hello Friends on Blogspot Greeting profit for us all, on this occasion I will review a little about Understanding DataBroker DAO 
In today's world, there is no platform in which smart technology owners can sell safely, and organizations that need, for example, to improve artificial intelligence - to buy information. But now a solution to this problem is found. This function will be taken by the DataBrokerDAO project.

What is DataBroker DAO?

As the global need for reliable data continues to grow and the fact that not all companies or organizations have the means to collect data, creating such a market will surely increase revenue and ultimately develop measurable processes for all concern edisi and DataBroker DAO is the first market to sell and buy sensor data. As a decentralized market for IoT sensor data using Blockchain technology, DAO DataBroup enables sensor owners to convert the resulting data into revenue streams. This will open up many opportunities for various industries. Data will be used and become more effective.
Data Broker DAO - is a very simple platform is decentralized. Built using blockbuster technology. The advantage of such technology is to have full freedom, as well as maximum security. The platform itself sells, as well as acquired these IoT fields have shown excellent dynamics in the general market over the past few years

Understanding the network IOT

IoT is a network or concept that aims to expand the benefits of continuously connected internet connectivity.

Various IoT data from various sectors:

Data marketing and commercial Data
Data usage
Data consumption
Data geolocation
financial Data

Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interlinked computing devices, mechanical and digital machines

DAO DataBroker

The platform is a new development, which in the near future promises to grow into a global market for sales and data exchange. The system is decentralized and operates based on a reliable blockchain technology. IoT sensor owners are given a unique opportunity to receive unlimited income, generating data on their devices. However, the goal of the DAO DataBroker system not only gives individual owners a stable income, but also opens opportunities for different industries and technologies.
The company currently uses sensor data to optimize and monitor its operations. The result is a single destination data landscape. DAO DataBroker drives evolution to real life by making it easily accessible to affordable cities, organizations and employers.
The gateway operator will run the respective Ethereal block nodes and run the DAPI DataBrokerDAO open source (distributed API) source above. Data generated by their client's sensors are sent (within the same datacenter) to those who check who has purchased access and send data directly to the location specified by the buyer when purchasing
Because gateway operators are ready to handle data generated by their clients, routing From data streams purchased to locations on the internet is a direct extension.
To do so, the gateway operator is assigned 10% of each transaction in the DTX token. The platform also gets 10% and most importantly, the share of lions that goes to the censor owner receives 80% of the proceeds.
DataBroker DAO actively promotes the earliest establishment of "intelligent life", when all areas of life activity will be effective and exclusive for the benefit of society and everyone. And for entrepreneurs (both start up private and large companies), this data will be offered at a very affordable price. Given that about $ 600 million per year is used for sensor acquisition, the data will be in demand.
Features of DAO AuthorBroker system for each party in the process:

1. Sensor owners - have almost unlimited opportunities to monetize their data in DAO DataBroker systems, as well as real opportunities to recover their investments quickly on IoT sensors;

2.  Network operators - actively increase the scale of their work and receive good profits in a short time;

3.  Sensor manufacturers - have the opportunity to spend all their resources and capital exclusively for production, and use them in more profitable projects for overall technology development;

4 . The "smart city" initiative - but it will also generate a constant profit, while reducing the payback period to 2 or 3 years and providing the possibility of earning a stable income in the future;

5 .  The agricultural sector - sensors can be used not only in technologically advanced metropolitan areas, but also out of town - to use and take into account wind pressure, temperature, atmosphere and humidity, and even soil pH;

6 .  The field of knowledge - it is now possible to select and purchase the necessary data, leading to direct and active industrial development.


By using smart-based contract markets in the Ethereum network, it becomes possible to unlock these values. Through their gateway operator, sensor owners put the data generated by their sensors for sale (while lurking some of their DTX tokens), and buyers can find and buy access to data using the same DTX token.

The gateway operator will run the respective Ethereal mainnet block nodes and run the DAPI DataBrokerDAO open source (distributed API) source above. Data generated by their client's sensors are sent (within the same datacenter) to those who check who has purchased access and send data directly to the location specified by the buyer when purchasing.
Since the gateway operator is already set up to deal with the data their clients generate, routing purchased data streams to a location on the internet is a straightforward extension.

For doing so, the gateway operator is awarded 10% of each transaction in DTX tokens. The platform also earns 10% and, most importantly, the lion share goes to the sensor owner receiving 80% of the proceeds.

To move from a local to a global marketplace, the DataBroker DAO implementation is replicated with a multitude of gateway operators around the world.

This grants access to a global market for data. Anyone in the world will be able to buy any available data anywhere, making it truly, “a global market for local data”.

Want to know how to sell or buy IoT sensor data will work in Databroker? View the BETA version of the platform.

Beta Platform


the project maintains the privacy of data distribution, therefore, they plan to establish a market where every data owner and consumer get together and participate on their own. Like, if you are considering selling your fitness tracker data for Commercial Television, you will be completely free to do so. If you are considering purchasing smart device data from almost any type of owner, but staying in one region, joining DAO DataBRoker makes the right choice.

Alliance DAO DataBroker

Building platforms and businesses such as DAO DataBroker requires real sellers and buyers of IoT sensor data. Over the past few months, we have worked hard to integrate these parties into an alliance. A few months ago, we have announced the first two official members of the DAO DataBroker alliance, YUKTIX and SENTHUS. Today we are proud to announce DESIDEDATUM, IQUADRAT, SKYLARK and TECHNILOG have joined.

"We are delighted to cross the road with SettleMint and to engage with blockchain technology in DataBroker DAO Integration goes smoothly and succeeds due to technical excellence.In the next step on our roadmap we intend to include data" sell my data "to our DataBobkerDAO Portfolio, as we realizing this is a new monetization opportunity for censor owners, consumer and vendor data, "said Mr. Rajeev Jha - CEO of Yuktix

ICO Information:
Token Name: DTX Token
Number of Tokens: 225 Million (48% per sale)
Presale Date: March 19, 2018.
Price: 1 ETH = 4000 DTX + 50% bonus for initial user
Main selling date: From March 26, 2018 to April 23, 2018
Price: 1ETH = 4000 DTX
Bonus: 10% The first 24 hour sales bonus.
Currency received: Ethereum
DTX token sale



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